Author: » Achim


The Zebra Otocinclus, a species with two faces

The Zebra Otocinclus is probably the most spectacular and most attractive Otocinclus species for the aquarium hobby. It has been known for some time that there are two forms of the species described in 2004 as O. cocama: one from the lower Río Ucayali and another one from the Río Tigre. Both rivers are tributaries […]

L 267 described as Ancistrus yanesha

The Ancistrus species L267, already presented by Claus SCHAEFER in the DATZ in 1998, has now been described by NEUHAUS et al. in the current issue of the Journal of Fish Biology (DOI: 10.1111/jfb.15637) as Ancistrus yanesha.

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Tetra-Symposium 2018 – Registration is now open

Registration for the 2. IG-BSSW Tetra-Symposium (16.11. – 18.11.2018) is now open! Like last year, booking (rooms and conference package) is managed by the hotel. During booking, please implicitly mention the heading „Salmler-Symposium“. Participants without overnight stays please directly register by sending us an email to For more information please visit the Tetra-Symposium website. […]

Tetra-Symposium 2017 is over

This weekend about 30 tetra enthusiasts were meeting in Ahrbergen, Germany for the first Tetra-Symposium of the IG BSSW. There was a lot of talk shop, new contacts were established, fishes were exchanged and on both evenings we talked late into the night over a beer, even with some spontaneous presentations. Thanks to all participants […]

Salmler-Symposium 2017 – Reservierung des Zimmerkontingentes endet bald!

Wer sich noch nicht beim Salmler-Symposium angemeldet hat, aber kommen möchte: Die Reservierung des Zimmerkontingentes endet am 30.10! Auch danach ist eine Anmeldung noch möglich, allerdings kann dann ein Zimmer zum vereinbarten Preis nicht mehr garantiert werden. Die Anmeldung erfolgt direkt über das Hotel, Details finden sich auf der Hauptseite des Salmler-Symposiums. In diesem Sinne […]

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Salmler-Symposium 2017 – Conference Program

The detailed program of the first IG BSSW e.V. Salmler-Symposium is now ready! As you can see, we arranged a diverse program with well known speakers:   Friday, 24th of November 2017 from 6 pm Arrival and friendly get-together   Saturday, 25th of November 2017  10 am – 11 am Daniel Konn-Vetterlein „Salmler im Biotop“ […]

RG Fulda: BSSW goes Hessen!

Zur Neugründung der RG Fulda Ein wenig hat es mich schon immer gewundert, dass es in Hessen bis jetzt keine Regionalgruppe der IG BSSW gab, sind doch einige aktive “BSSW” Aquarianer hier zu finden. So hat es mich sehr gefreut, als Erik SCHILLER mir dann vor einiger Zeit schrieb, dass sich in Fulda eine Regionalgruppe […]