Due to size and internationality of the IG BSSW it is not possible to arrange periodic meetings for all members. The ways to travel would be too far and also the expenses of our members would be way to high.
Nevertheless the IG BSSW wants to stay close to its members. Therefore our association is organized in regional groups. That way we can realize our claim of providing the chance to as many members as possible to active cooperation. A lively, regular and productive cooperation within the regional groups is the main base for the success of our organization.
Each regional group does have its own voluntary head who organizes the meetings and speakers as well as he serves as contact person for all your questions. This way each group has its own dynamic and program. Some groups cooperate with other big organizations like the Freaky Fish Club (FFC) or the “Internationale Gemeinschaft für Labyrinthfische” (IGL). But there also are many cooperations with smaller and more local associations. So the meetings are open not only to members of the IG BSSW but also to all interested hobbyists.
At the meeting the speakers usually are expert members talking about specific subjects. The meetings provide a perfect platform for exchanging experiences. Participation is free. However, a little financial support for the acquisition of the next speakers is always welcome.
There is no regional group in your country or region? – Establish your own one! We are very happy about every new regional group and always love to support establishing a new one. All you need is a decent location as well as some friends and other hobbyists that attend and maybe speak at your meetings.
If you are interested in establishing a regional group please contact the chairman or the executive board.
On the following pages you will find the heads and contact persons, upcoming events as well as all relevant information to each regional group.
Overview over all locations of regional groups
Overview over all BSSW-relevant dates of the upcoming 12 months
- 14. December 2024, 19:00, RG Sachsen @ Niederhermsdorfer Hof (Oberhermsdorfer Str. 1, 01705 Freital):
Gemeinsamer Bowlingabend - 20. December 2024, 18:00, RG Nord @ Gaststätte "Am Sportplatzring" (Sportplatzring 47, 22527 Hamburg):
Vortrag: "Überüberübermorgen kommt der Weihnachtsmann", Hans-Georg Evers - 20. December 2024, 20:00, RG Berlin @ Villa Rixdorf (Richardplatz 6, 12055 Berlin):
Vortrag: "Neues aus Uruguay", Florian Lahrmann & Weihnachtsfeier mit Grünkohl und Versteigerung - 25. January 2025, 19:30, RG Nordbayern @ Sportgaststätte SC 04 Schwabach (Nördlinger Str. 48, 91126 Schwabach):
Vortrag: "Christian's Lieblinge & Zuchtbericht Hoplisoma sp. CW62", Christian Ruiu - 22. February 2025, ganztägig, RG Austria @ Hotel-Restaurant Bergwirt (Maxingstr. 76, 1130 Wien):
Anne Bernard: "Die unbekannteren Panzerwelse" & Mike Behm: "Meine Erfahrungen mit Salmlern, eine Vorstellung meiner Arten und Nachzuchterfahrungen" - 8. March 2025, 19:30, RG Nordbayern @ Sportgaststätte SC 04 Schwabach (Nördlinger Str. 48, 91126 Schwabach):
Vortrag: Thema offen, Ingo Seidel - 5. April 2025, 15:30, RG Südbayern @ "Lara's" - Vereinslokal des ASV Dachau (Gröbenriederstr. 21, 85221 Dachau):
Vortrag: "Haltung und Vermehrung von Hypancistrus zebra", Ernst Schmidt - 16. May 2025, 20:00, RG Südbayern @ Schützensaal Drei Rosen (Münchnerstr. 5, 85221 Dachau):
Vortarg: "Fischkrankheiten", Dieter Untergasser - 17. May 2025, ganztägig, RG Austria @ Wirtshaus zur Bums'n (Denisgasse 8, 4780 Schärding):
Daniel Elster: "Eine Weltreise durch mein Aquarienzimmer" & Hans-Georg Evers: "Cory-News" - 17. May 2025, 19:30, RG Nordbayern @ Sportgaststätte SC 04 Schwabach (Nördlinger Str. 48, 91126 Schwabach):
Vortrag: "Bonsai", Guido Braun - 13. June 2025, 20:00, RG Südbayern @ Schützensaal Drei Rosen (Münchnerstr. 5, 85221 Dachau):
Vortrag: "Die Salmler der JBL Kolumbienexpedition im Einzug des Rio Atabapo", Daniel Konn-Vetterlein - 12. July 2025, 19:30, RG Nordbayern @ Sportgaststätte SC 04 Schwabach (Nördlinger Str. 48, 91126 Schwabach):
Vortrag: Referent & Thema offen - 11. October 2025, ganztägig, RG Austria @ Hotel-Restaurant Bergwirt (Maxingstr. 76, 1130 Wien):
Ziski Liedl: "Politische Fische? Zierfischfang und -handel im gesellschaftlichen Wandel" & Überraschungsvortrag - 11. October 2025, 19:30, RG Nordbayern @ Sportgaststätte SC 04 Schwabach (Nördlinger Str. 48, 91126 Schwabach):
Vortrag: Thema offen, Hans-Georg Evers - 17. October 2025, 20:00, RG Südbayern @ "Lara's" - Vereinslokal des ASV Dachau (Gröbenriederstr. 21, 85221 Dachau):
Vortrag "Meine Kamera geht auf Reisen", Hans Gruber - 8. November 2025, 19:30, RG Nordbayern @ Sportgaststätte SC 04 Schwabach (Nördlinger Str. 48, 91126 Schwabach):
Weihnachtsfeier, wie letztes Jahr