From a tributary of the Rio Itapicuru (Maranhão, northeastern Brazil) comes Corydoras vittatus NIJSSEN 1971, an often-overlooked Corydoras, of which one reads and hears far too seldom. Continue reading
IG BSSW-News (Tetras): Pseudochalceus kyburzi SCHULTZ, 1966
taken from report 3-2020
The species was named after the Swiss ornamental fish exporter William A. KYBURZ, who was active in Columbia back then. Continue reading
IG BSSW-News (Loaches): Canthophrys gongota
Recently I received interesting pictures from our chairman, showing the loach Canthophrys gongota (syn. Somileptes), , which he had taken at the English shop Pier Aquatics. Continue reading
Notropis chrosomus – the forgotten Rainbow Shiner
von Max PEDLEY (UK), published in the report 02-2020
Notropis chrosomus has been available in the hobby for several years yet has never gained the popularity which it so deserves. Continue reading
IG BSSW-News (Schmerlen): Ein interessanter Beifang bei Rüsselschmerlen
Die Rüssel- oder Pferdekopfschmerle (Acantopsis sp.) gehört zu den alten Bekannten in der Aquaristik. Meist werden unter der Bezeichnung Acantopsis choirorhynchos verschiedene Arten angeboten, die sich in ihrem Verhalten nicht sonderlich unterscheiden. Continue reading
Successful breeding of Baryancistrus xanthellus
At the 1st International L-Number-Days in 2009, Johannes LEUENBERGER reported for the first time on the successful reproduction of the ever-popular “golden nugget”. In the following years, aquarists tried again and again, but mostly unsuccessfully. Until 2021, when the Bellenz Fish Farm was able to report another success. The Bellenz Fish Farm is known for outstanding breeding successes (Scobinancistrus aureatus, L 368, Pseudacanthicus spp. etc.) and has already lectured about this at numerous IG BSSW events. Continue reading
An earth-eater among the tetras
taken from the Report 1/2019
In November 2017 Michael BÖTTNER organized a spectacular import from Suriname: Bivibranchia simulata. Nine specimens were imported by him and taken over by me (JK). Continue reading
The genus Acestridium in captivity
These fragile-looking loricariids look like smaller representatives of the stick-catfish of the genus Farlowella and are known to only a few aquarium hobbyists. Continue reading
Mesonoemacheilus triangularis (DAY 1865)
taken from report 01/2018
The genus Mesonoemacheilus contains quite attractive loaches, of which the species M. triangularis, M. guentheri and M. petrubanarescui have been imported so far. A short compilation with illustrations of the species can be found in SEIDEL (2012). M. triangularis, for which the name Batik loach has been established, is probably the most attractive species of the genus. Continue reading
Piabucus dentatus (KOELREUTER, 1763)
taken from the Report 02/2019
In summer 2018, the dealer Panta Rhei (Brelingen-Wedemark, Germany) received an import from Suriname with various fish, amongst them some characins. Continue reading