Dates & Events

4. Salmler-Symposium 2024

Am letzten Augustwochenende 2024 fand das Salmler-Symposium wieder in Hämelerwald-Lehrte statt. Zum Treffen hatte das Team um Armin Senger und Ecki Fischer geladen. Mit 10 Übernachtungsgästen und 10 Tagesgästen lag die Beteiligung zwar unterhalb der Erwartungen, der Stimmung tat es aber keinen Abbruch. Bereits Freitag gab nach einem gemeinsamen Abendessen reichlich Gesprächsstoff.
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Tetra-Symposium 2024

Dear tetra friends,

the first step has been done: As previously announced, these are the key dates for this year’s Tetra symposium.

The date is the weekend from 30th of August – 1st of September 2024 (with arrival on Friday), the venue is:

Hotel & Restaurant Fricke
Niedersachsenstr. 8
D-31275 Lehrte/OT Hämelerwald
+49 (0) 5175 7796

A double room including breakfast costs 104 €, a single room between 72 and 82 €, depending on the room type and of course also including breakfast. For single rooms, those who book early get the cheaper option. Please book the rooms as early as possible under the keyword: “BSSW” or “Tetra Symposium”!

As always, we are currently working on a varied programme for tetras, which will be announced soon. We are also happy to accept offers or requests for lectures. Because this is the only way to organise an important part of the event in addition to all the discussions we will share.

Best regards from the organising team