Author: » Daniel Konn-Vetterlein


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Tetra Symposium 2022

The tetra symposium has always been held in Ahrbergen in Lower Saxony (Germany), which is the way it used to be. This time, however, you can even attend from home.

Vivaristics is contemporary!

From 20th to 22nd May this year, it was finally time again. After a two-year break, members and guests of the ÖVVÖ met for the second time after 2017 in Rankweil, in the west of Austria, and celebrated the 16th ÖVVÖ Federal Congress. Among them were numerous BSSW members.

RG Berlin: Boliviens Killis

Am Freitag, dem 10.06.2022, fand in Berlin ein letztes Mal vor der Sommerpause unser BSSW-Ortsgruppentreffen in der Villa Rixdorf in Neukölln statt.

What do we actually do in the IG BSSW?

The IG BSSW e.V. (Internationale Gemeinschaft Barben-Salmler-Schmerlen-Welse e.V.) is an organisation that has been active for 33 years. It distinguishes itself from other associations by living and promoting the long-term conservation of fish species in the aquatic hobby (in captivity), as well as in nature, with a focus on consistency. The approximately 500 members are […]

Successful breeding of Baryancistrus xanthellus

At the 1st International L-Number-Days in 2009, Johannes LEUENBERGER reported for the first time on the successful reproduction of the ever-popular “golden nugget”. In the following years, aquarists tried again and again, but mostly unsuccessfully. Until 2021, when the Bellenz Fish Farm was able to report another success. The Bellenz Fish Farm is known for […]

An earth-eater among the tetras

taken from the Report 1/2019 In November 2017 Michael BÖTTNER organized a spectacular import from Suriname: Bivibranchia simulata. Nine specimens were imported by him and taken over by me (JK).