
RG Nordbayern: Record Breaking Attendance due to Interzoo- Special

The meeting of the regional group Northern Bavaria in May was arranged around international attendance. The group had invited for a special meeting, triggered by the “Interzoo” fair, which took place in Nuremberg on that weekend. Due to the fair it was also possible to sign on several high profile speakers. Hans-Georg Evers reported about his trip to the “Mother of God”, the Río Madre de Dios in Peru. This report about an expedition covered not one, but several groups of fish. The second speaker, Ingo Seidel, presented his “Fascination with Hillstream Loaches” and excited not only the loach fans.

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RG Nordbayern: Rudelbildung in Baiersdorf

1. Juni 2014. Baiersdorf. Im gemeinsamen Kalender der Familie Budrovcan hat die Dame des Hauses “Rudel” eingetragen. Was will uns diese Werbesendung sagen? – Nein, nicht der McChicken ist wieder da, sondern die Interzoo 2014 im nahegelegenen Nürnberg nähert sich dem Ende.

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